Announcing the MEM Carbon Testnet

Announcing the MEM Carbon Testnet

November 21, 2023

While MEM has always had a local function simulator and online IDE, our #1 most requested feature has been for a fully-fledged testnet that provides a production-like environment and bypasses the need to get functions whitelisted.

That’s why we’ve just shipped a solution to make it even easier to build web3-ready serverless functions.

The MEM Carbon Testnet is designed to provide developers with a robust and flexible environment for testing and deploying MEM functions. It’s now live and ready to run — either self-hosted or with a public MEM endpoint:

The MEM Carbon Testnet features:

  • Open access: No more whitelisting! MEM is now open for everyone. You can permissionlessly interact with the testnet without any restrictions.
  • Dedicated testnet endpoint: Utilize the endpoint to deploy and write to testnet functions.
  • Optional privacy: The testnet is open source and requires very little computing power to run. Host your own testnet locally to use it in private mode
  • Temporary state storage: the testnet’s memory resets every 2 days, so be sure to save any data in the state you want to retain!
  • Examples and documentation: To get started and make the most out of the testnet, check out our detailed documentation here.

CLI support

We’ve now rolled out CLI support for the MEM Carbon Testnet. Update your mem-cli-js package to integrate this new functionality into your workflow.

For installation and usage instructions, visit the GitHub repository: MEM CLI.

Get started

“…carbon is unique among the elements in the vast number and variety of compounds it can form. There are close to ten million known carbon compounds, many thousands of which are vital to organic and life processes.”